All participants must complete a liability waiver to participate in Sport & Social Club activities (including substitute players). Teams who are found to be using players who have not been rostered and signed the waiver, will be asked to leave the league without refund or warning. Please be advised that we will not share any personal information with other groups or organizations.

There are two ways to complete a waiver: 

1. Individual & Team – Signed Waiver During Registration:

Individual Registrants: At the time of your registration, you created an online profile, which required you to submit the waiver form. You have therefore signed a waiver, and no further steps are required. 
Team Captains: When you invite teammates to your roster, they will be sent an invitation link to play on your team, and will be asked to complete the waiver online. Please ensure that your entire roster is submitted, so that everyone has a signed the waiver online.  This includes substitute players.

Individual Player Substitute – Complete an Online Waiver:

Individual Player Substitute: If you are a substitute player for a team, please complete the registration process below (free) to sign your online waiver. This process ensures you have signed the online waiver and agreed to SSC policies ahead of your activity.

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